Managerial Matters for Classroom Management: A Systematic Analysis


Naila Fazal Kareem
Dr. Muhammad Naveed Jabbar
Muhammad Nafees Ur Rehman


Elementary school education plays a vital role for the enhancement of literacy rate of the country which is considered the major contribution for the socio-economic growth of the country. However, elementary school teachers face several challenges and issues during their job while performing the classroom activities. The main purpose of this research was to evaluate the problem in classroom for teachers. The population was elementary teachers from Bahawalnagar and 219 (public=113, private=106) respondents were administered as sample by applying simple random sampling technique. A Self-administered questionnaire was made for data collection based on survey method. SPSS was processed to evaluate the research objectives. The results indicated the significant difference between public and secondary school teachers about the factors classroom management and lack of facilities. There was also a significant difference shown among the teaching experience of respondents about issues related to management in classroom. The findings are useful for upgrading the learning process by adopting innovative resources.


How to Cite
Kareem, N.F. , Jabbar, M.N. and Ur Rehman, M.N. 2024. Managerial Matters for Classroom Management: A Systematic Analysis. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 497–502. DOI:


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