Analyzing the Influence of Positive and Negative Emotions on the Listening Skills of ESL Learners in Pakistan


Choudhry Shahid
Muhammad Taimoor Gurmani
Ishfaque Ali Kalhoro


This research investigates the profound impact of both positive and negative emotions on the listening comprehension skills of English as a Second Language (ESL) learners in Pakistan. The study, conducted among BS English students at a private university, employs a qualitative research methodology to explore the emotional dynamics influencing ESL learners' listening comprehension. A total of 50 students participated in a comprehensive test, while six students were interviewed to gain deeper insights into their emotional experiences. The analysis revealed a spectrum of emotions influencing students' listening comprehension. Negative emotions, including anxiety, fear, frustration, and apprehension, were found to hinder effective learning and comprehension. Conversely, positive emotions, such as hope, gratitude, resilience, adaptability, engagement, goal orientation, and confidence, significantly enhanced learning experiences and outcomes. The implications of these findings are profound. Educators and institutions can benefit from recognizing the importance of addressing students' emotional well-being as an integral part of the learning process. Strategies that promote positive emotions, such as gratitude activities and fostering a growth mindset, can be integrated into ESL programs to enhance comprehension skills. Additionally, creating a supportive and empathetic learning environment can help mitigate the impact of negative emotions. Stress management techniques and resources for coping with test anxiety can be introduced to improve students' emotional resilience. In conclusion, understanding the interplay of emotions in the ESL learning context is essential for optimizing language acquisition. This study highlights the pivotal role of emotions in listening comprehension and provides valuable insights for educators and institutions to better support ESL learners in Pakistan and potentially in similar settings.


How to Cite
Shahid, C. , Gurmani, M.T. and Kalhoro, I.A. 2023. Analyzing the Influence of Positive and Negative Emotions on the Listening Skills of ESL Learners in Pakistan. Journal of Policy Research. 9, 2 (Jun. 2023), 837–847. DOI:


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