Influence of Technology-Assisted Reading Interventions for Improving Reading Skills in English Language Learners


Rabia Sabeen
Nadia Nisar
Choudhry Shahid


This qualitative study investigates the influence of technology-assisted reading interventions on English Language Learners (ELLs) by examining the perspectives of seven participants and conducting classroom observations and document analysis. Employing a constructivist learning theory and the Technology Acceptance Model as the theoretical framework, the research explores how interactive, personalized, and multimodal learning experiences impact reading skills development. The methodology includes thematic analysis of interviews, observations, and lesson plans, revealing enhanced engagement, improved comprehension, effective vocabulary development, increased fluency, and facilitated peer collaboration as significant results. The study identifies challenges such as technical issues and accessibility, emphasizing the importance of equitable access to technology. The implications for educators and policymakers highlight the need for effective integration of technology-assisted interventions in reading instruction and support for ELLs to optimize learning outcomes.


How to Cite
Sabeen, R., Nisar, N. and Shahid, C. 2024. Influence of Technology-Assisted Reading Interventions for Improving Reading Skills in English Language Learners. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 1 (Mar. 2024), 27–38. DOI:


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